The Sunrise Investment Blog
Your Go-to Source
Over the last few years, I have developed a passion for investing and equity research, as well as acted as a source of knowledge for friends and colleagues. Now, I have finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started The Sunrise Investment Blog with a mission to give others a taste of my thoughts and experiences of the market, and I have been at it ever since. Take some time to explore the blog and find what sparks your interest. And feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together or discuss one on the site. Enjoy!
See some of my past investment ideas below!
In November 2022 I presented at the London Value Investing Club on an attractive value opportunity in the Television Broadcasting sector.
Big Yellow Group Plc (BYG LN)
During the unprecedented year of 2020, we looked at one of the simplest but most effective investments - Self Storage REITS.
Alibaba (BABA US)
A challenging 2021/2022 for Chinese stocks presents a case for overselling and an GARP opportunity.